Food Selection 

Monica doesn’t just act as a nutritional consultant to private and corporate clients: she serves as a consultant in various food projects and activities too. 


These include:




Monica works closely with caterers involved with numerous events. She has helped devise healthy catering with sugar-free and Metabolic Balance®-friendly foods, as well as dishes that enhance mood and energy. 

Monica’s work has helped bring healthy eating to people at:

  • Corporate conferences
  • Private parties
  • Street feasts
  • And more








 Monica is proud to serve as a dedicated nutritional advisor to Julius Meinl am Graben: one of Vienna, Austria’s most prestigious food halls. 

Julius Meinl am Graben manufactures and sells delicious coffee, gourmet foods, and other outstanding grocery products. It operates in more than 70 countries worldwide.

Monica’s work with Julius Meinl am Graben involves:

  • Collaborating on healthy new recipes to give customers a bigger, better choice
  • Writing a column on weight-loss tips in the company’s magazine
  • Branding her own selection of the best foods for weight loss 





Developer of the HY Kitchen Food Truck and Recipient of a British Street Food Award 2014.

Monica’s own range of nutritious, wholesome, healthy snacks, fast foods, and drinks has been a massive hit — taking London and Vienna by storm. 

The concept behind HY Kitchen was to bring tasty, healthy, filling lunches to both cities’ citizens, workers, and tourists. Since HY Kitchen launched in 2014, it has been received media coverage in:

  • Newspapers
  • Magazines
  • Food blogs
  • Social media

HY Kitchen continues to gain traction and build a loyal audience: it’s now in great demand for various international events. 


For enquiries, please contact Monica at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.